Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Testicular Cancer and Cervical Cancer

The links above will provide possible lifesaving information to all young men. This information is not just for men but for women as well. Later on in life this information could help save your spouse's life as well as your son. In addition women and men should be informed about one of the leading causes of cervical cancer and what they can do to help prevent this life threatening disease in their spouse or partner. We will go over this information in class. Your assignment will be to do a write up of the shared information in your homework section of your blog. This assignment should be posted by 9/16/07.

1 comment:

Health 2 M Waryas said...

I don't get what it is that you are asking us to do. I don't see any assignment excpet that we will do it in class. Is that all that we have to do is wait until class and then write it up?