Tuesday, October 30, 2007
School Wiki Assignment: Addiction
Friday, October 12, 2007
Drug Facts Chat Day
Today we will be taking part in a nationwide online chat presented by NIDA ( National Institute on Drug Abuse). Your assignment will be to take part in the nationwide chat and post in your blog under your homework section your questions and the answers you receive. We will share these in class on Tuesday when we meet again. The site URL is:
You will need to remember your user name to access the days transcript by:
When will my question get answered?
We will make every effort to answer your question in a timely fashion. However, we are expecting a very high volume of questions throughout the day. Please be patient, and remember that you can always check the transcript if you do not see your response posted during your class period.
Will a transcript be available after the chat is over?
Yes. We will post a full transcript shortly after the chat.
Have fun and responsible in sharing with others during this first nationwide chat presented by NIDA.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Testicular Cancer and Cervical Cancer
The links above will provide possible lifesaving information to all young men. This information is not just for men but for women as well. Later on in life this information could help save your spouse's life as well as your son. In addition women and men should be informed about one of the leading causes of cervical cancer and what they can do to help prevent this life threatening disease in their spouse or partner. We will go over this information in class. Your assignment will be to do a write up of the shared information in your homework section of your blog. This assignment should be posted by 9/16/07.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Tobacco Assignment
Starting 10/8/07 we will be involved in a comprehensive class project on tobacco and the effects it
has on everyone in the world. To lighten the load everyone will be assigned a topic to research and post to their blog. In addition to this everyone will do a presentation of their project to the class. You will post your project in your home work section by 10/11/07 so that the presentations will begin on 10/12/07. Make sure you use a heading "Tobacco" and then put your "topic title"below that. As usual you will also be required to copy and paste all the other projects in your shared project area under the heading " Tobacco Projects". If all goes well this part should be completed by 10/15/07. If you have any concerns please see me for some guidance. Use the link " cancer .org in the resource section of this blog to do your research.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Contraceptive Assignment
Hello Everyone,
I hope the information presented by Ricky will be useful in your everyday life. This assignment will allow you to make a choice of what you would like to do for a project to show your knowledge of contraceptives. Here Are your choices:
1)Using the handouts given to you by Ricky and the notes that you took in class write a type 3 response to the following FCA's: 1) Completely describe the various methods of contraceptives discussed in class. 2) Using the pamphlets on how to discuss contraceptives with your parents and partner and write a response to both of these issues. 3) Write a response on what you think about who should be allowed to obtain contraceptives ( age related) and why.
2. Go to the following web sites and listen to the following podcasts and write a type 2 write on each podcast session. If you cannot access these sites on your computer then you will need to do the first assignment.
A World Without Cervical Cancer: The HPV Vaccine Show
Sex Myths: BUSTED!
Birth Control
The assignment should be posted in your homework posting area. Assignments should be posted by Thursday, 10/11/07. Remember !!! Only do assignment 1 or 2 not both!!!STI Assignment
Hi Everyone,
Friday, September 21, 2007
Juicing Project
Hello everyone. Well we are the end of the juicing unit. Your last assignment is to either make up a juice recipe that you will present and share with the class or research a juicing recipe to present and share with the class. The choice is yours. Your assignment will include the following FCA's. 1) Post in your blog under my projects a copy of your juice recipe. 2) For each vegetable and/or fruit write about what it is traditionally used for in regards to your health and what each ingredient is a good source of for vitamins, minerals, etc. 3) Present your recipe to the class as well as make your juice for the class to share. 4) copy everyone’s juicing project and paste it in your “shared projects area in your blog. Your project post is due on Wednesday, 9/26.
I will assign everyone a class date to present their project to the class on Wednesday, 9/26. I will post this in your comment area in your project section.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Assignment Food Pyramid
This assignment will involve how to use the web site http://www.mypyramid.gov. This site provides the following information:
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, an organization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was established in 1994 to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans. Toward this goal, the Center focuses its efforts on two primary objectives—
1. Advance and promote dietary guidance for all Americans, and
2. Conduct applied research and analyses in nutrition and consumer economics.
The Center's core products to support its objectives are the following:
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- MyPyramid Food Guidance System
- Healthy Eating Index
- U.S. Food Plans
- Nutrient Content of the U.S. Food Supply
- Expenditures on Children by Families
1. Your first task will be done on an individual basis. Go to : http://www.mypyramid.gov/mypyramid/index.aspx and fill out the information to know the amount of each food group you need daily.Copy and paste your results in the project section of you blog. Put your posts under the heading MyPyramid.gov . Your first post will be under the heading “ My Pyramid Plan” This first activity should be posted by Friday, 9/14.
Your second task will be a group effort. I will assign you into one of five groups in class. The following groups are responsible for the following topics and information to be researched: Your group will divide up the topics to be researched. Each person will post their own work on their topic in their project area in RED PRINT. Then copy and paste your partners information in the same area in BLACK so I can tell who did what work. When finished everyone in each group should have a completed project of the section assigned to them. Each person will go and copy and paste the completed projects of each of the other 4 groups into their shared project posting area in their blog in BLACK and copy and paste their own project in the shared project section in RED. Your groups project should be completed and posted by next Thursday, 9/20/07.
Group 1: Grains
What's in the Grain Group? How much is needed?
What counts as an ounce?
Health benefits & nutrients
Tips to help you eat whole grains
Group 2: Vegetables
What's in the Vegetable Group? How much is needed?
What counts as a cup?
Health benefits & nutrients
Tips to help you eat vegetables
Group 3: Fruits
What's in the Fruit Group? How much is needed?
What counts as a cup?
Health benefits and nutrients
Tips to help you eat fruits
Group 4: Milk
What's in the Milk Group? How much is needed?
What counts as a cup?
Health benefits and nutrients
Tips for making wise choices
Group 5: Meats and Beans
What's in the Meat & Beans Group?
How much is needed?
What counts as an ounce?
Nutrients and health implications
Tips for making wise choices
Vegetarian Choices
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Assignment for del.icio.us account
Theses should be posted in your del.icio.us account by Friday, 9/14 to share with the class on Monday 9/17.
Monday, September 10, 2007
These sites will help you reseach topics and store informatiom for future use.This should be posted by Tuesday, 9/11
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Missing Work ? Read Syllabus
Bellows Falls Union High School
H.E. 1021: Syllabus
Health Education II
.5 Credit
Health II is a semester long required course for ½ credit, taken by juniors and seniors. The Health II curriculum will cover fewer topics but in greater detail than in Health I. Examples of a few issues covered would be current health issues, abuse cases, or consumer health. We will also examine how different areas of health interact with one another. We will read books, watch videos, discuss, and write about the different issues.
Jack Cohun
Phone 802-463-3944 ext. 242
Email jcohun@wnesu.net
Goals and Learning Objectives
The goal of this course is to allow you to develop a user-friendly portfolio of health topics and issues. These topics and issues will be researched dynamically on the Internet and shared with your peers both formally and informally. To facilitate your achievement of this goal, the following are the course learning objectives. By the end of this course you will be able to:
1.Present to the instructor a comprehensive portfolio of the covered topics and issues. This will be in either the form of a Blog or in hard copy.
2.Demonstrate dynamic research by showing documentation for the information you have gathered on a topic. This should be in the form of a bibliography and citations.
3.Demonstrate that you have shared information formally and informally. Formal sharing will be accomplished by either presenting copies of your research to your peers by letting them copy and paste from your Blog or by handing out hard copies of your report to your peers. Informal sharing will be accomplished by class discussion.
4.Demonstrate your knowledge of subject matter by doing a reflective write up on information covered in class. This can be accomplished in your Blog or in written form.
Instructional Resources
2.Guest Speakers
3.Peer to Peer Sharing
1. Portfolio 30%: This will be checked by the instructor bi-weekly either by checking your blog or by you turning in the hard copy of what you have accumulated up to that point. Information should be typed, presented neatly, organized chronologically. Your own work should demonstrate both creative and critical thinking. Your own work should also demonstrate correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
2. Reflective writing 20%: This will be checked by the instructor bi-weekly either by checking your blog or by you turning in a hard copy of your work. Information should be typed, presented neatly, organized chronologically. Your work should demonstrate both creative and critical thinking. Your work should also demonstrate correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. A reflective writing is required for each class during the two-week time frame.
3. Formal Sharing 10%: This will be checked anytime you have a report due. The grade will be based on your ability to have your information posted on your blog to be copy and pasted by your peers and/or your ability to give hard copies to peers who do not have a blog. 10 points will be deducted for every day after the assignment is due with a maximum of 10 days.
4. Informal Sharing 10%: This will be assessed by attendance and participation.
Projects 30%: These will be assigned during the semester. You will be expected to do dynamic research on the Internet and turn in a Type 3 writing. The paper will be graded based on FCA’s, which will be given to you at the time of the assignment. Your work should demonstrate both creative and critical thinking. Your work should also demonstrate correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. 10 points will be deducted for every day after the assignment is due with a maximum of 10 days.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Third Project
Your Next project will be to go to the link juicingbook.com at the health resources in the class blog. I have assigned you a fruit to research in the comment section of your blog. Your FCA’s for this project will be: 1) describe what this vegetable is traditionally used for, 2) good source for, 3) freshness test,4) important information, 5) general information, and what the 3 greatest amounts of vitamins are in that vegetable. (each vegetable will have this information).Write a type 3 paper on this vegetable and post it in your project area. This project should be posted by Sunday,9/16 so we can use it in Monday’s class. Make sure you go to each others blog and copy and paste other students projects in you shared project with peers posting area.
Second Project
Your Next project will be to go to the link juicingbook.com at the health resources in the class blog. I have assigned you a vegetable to research in the comment section of your blog. Your FCA’s for this project will be: 1) describe what this vegetable is traditionally used for, 2) good source for, 3) freshness test,4) important information, 5) general information, and what the 3 greatest amounts of vitamins are in that vegetable. (each vegetable will have this information).Write a type 3 paper on this vegetable and post it in your project area. This project should be posted by Wednesday, 9/12 so we can use it in Thursdays class. Make sure you go to each others blog and copy and paste other students projects in you shared project with peers posting area.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
First Project
This will be our first big class project. Check the comment area in your project area. I will list the vitamin that I would like you to research. Use the link for vitamins in the health site resources and go to the vitamin guide section. Write a complete type 3 paper and include the following FCA’s: 1) overview, benefits, natural sources, how to use, cautions, deficiencies, overdose, side effects, interactions. 2) Look up words that you do not know. You will be presenting your project to the class.3) correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This project should be posted in the project posting area by Tuesday 9/11. Everyone should copy and paste everyone else’s project into your project sharing posting section.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Juicing Unit
First assignment
Hello everyone. By now you should have set up your blog and have put links in your blog to this page as well as the school wiki site. Now we are ready to begin exploring our first unit of instruction. This unit will deal with “Juicing”. I have a couple of interesting sites that I would like you to visit. You will be doing some research at these sites and we will also use these in class as well. The sites to visit are: 1) http://www.best-juicing.com/., 2)http://www.mercola.com/nutritionplan/juicing.htm, 3)http://healing.about.com/od/juicing/Benefits_of_Natural_Juicing.htm, 4)http://books.google.com/books?id=n-qrFwMMYcYC&dq=juicing&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=3hyDkTJBW2&sig=afzcgvJWigyr3tpNDjP_D7jNdzw#PPP7,M1, 5)
In addition to the above topic please post a type two write on our outside activity. Make sure you include at least two examples under each of the 5 components of health. This should be posted by 9:00 am, Thursday, 9/6.
If you have problems see me as soon as you can so we can keep you up to date on your assignments.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Make your own blog at : https://www.blogger.com/start
Make sure you have an email account. Save your password. Your user name when you sign in will be your email address. Name your site your first initial and last name. Your URL for your site will be : yournam@blogspot.com.
You will need to give this to me so that I can put it in the class blog which is: https://www.bfuhshealth2.blogspot.com/
In your blog set up a posting are for reflective writing that you can add to and edit in the future.
Set up a post for adding projects that will be shared with you by peers that you can add to and edit.
Set up a post that you can add your projects to that can you can add to and edit.
If you encounter any problems come and see me for help